Funding Disclosure

The Value Sensitive Design Lab gratefully acknowledges the agencies, institutions, corporations, and individuals who have supported the work of the lab. Our funders include: The National Science Foundation, Grants IIS-1302709, IIS-1143966, CNS-0905384, IIS-0849270, IIS-0325035, EIA-0121326, IIS-0102558, SES-0096131, IIS-9911185, and IIS-0000567; Google Corporation; Intel Corporation; UW Center for Mind, Brain and Learning; and The Washington Research Foundation. Work on the Voices from the Rwanda Tribunal project specifically has been supported by National Science Foundation Grants IIS-1302709, IIS-1143966, and IIS-0849270; Information School, University of Washington; Seattle University School of Law; Step One; UW Foundation; John and Virginia Meisenbach; and Young Oh. To all of you, our heartfelt appreciation.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, toolkits, and recommendations expressed on this web site or related materials are those of the Value Sensitive Design Lab and do not necessarily reflect the views of our funders.