Getting started with VSD
1. For a comprehensive account of value sensitive design, this book is the best place to start:
Friedman, B., & Hendry, D. G. (2019). Value sensitive design: shaping technology with moral imagination. Cambridge, MA. MIT Press.
2. Another way to get started is with the Envisioning Cards:
Friedman, B., & Hendry, D. (2012). The envisioning cards: a toolkit for catalyzing humanistic and technical imaginations. Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1145–1148. (PDF)
3. If you are looking for a brief introduction, these early papers remain relevant:
Friedman, B. (2004). Value Sensitive Design. In W. S. Bainbridge (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Human-computer Interaction (pp. 769–774). Berkshire Publishing Group. (PDF)
Friedman, B. (1996, December 1). Value-sensitive design. ACM interactions, 3(6), 16–23. (PDF)
Education & Instruction
The Lab is focused on supporting the uptake of value sensitive design in education, industry, and practice settings. Since 2000, value sensitive design has been taught to graduate and undergraduate students at the University of Washington by Profs. Alan Borning, Batya Friedman, and David Hendry.
We started the Value Sensitive Design Cooperative (VSD Coop), a Wiki for collecting educational resources and for catalyzing an international community of practice. The VSD Coop includes sample syllabi, reading lists, design projects, and writing activities from VSD scholars and practitioners from around the world.
For instructional case studies on the value sensitive design of tech policy, please see the resource below. Cases include: (1) “Drones Okay” Playground: Fun with Personal Drones, (2) Internet of Things: Gaslighting and the Smart Home, (3) NeighborSpin: Sharing Laundry Facilities, and (4) Workforce Management: Scheduling Call-Center Workers.
Hendry, D. G. (2020). Designing Tech Policy: Instructional Case Studies for Technologists and Policy Makers. Tech Policy Lab, University of Washington. (PDF)
A further excellent resource for VSD teaching materials is VASE: Value Sensitive Design in Higher Education from Aarhus University, Denmark.
In addition to the selected work above, you will find all of our publications below. You can view the publications by sub-collection on the search page.