Pioneered in the 1990s, value sensitive design seeks to provide theory and method to account for human values in a principled and systematic manner throughout the design process. Central to this approach is engaging our moral and technical imaginations.
Value sensitive design rests on a foundation of theoretical constructs, which frame its position on the relationship among tools, technology and human values. Along with a commitment to a deeply interaction stance, the constructs enable designers and technologists to conduct analyses of direct and indirect stakeholders; distinguish among designer values, values explicitly supported by the technology, and stakeholder values; consider individual, group, and societal levels of analysis; and carry out integrative and iterative conceptual, technical, and empirical investigations. Multi-lifespan design represents a more recent development and signals the opportunity for new constructs to emerge in the future. Throughout, we hold a commitment to progress (not perfection).
Value sensitive design methods follow closely from the theoretical constructs. Some VSD methods adapt established methods, as with value scenarios that build from traditional scenario-based design to better account for direct and indirect stakeholders and systemic impacts over time. Other VSD methods are new, such as the stakeholder tokens that facilitate identification of direct, indirect, excluded, and other stakeholders as well as the relationships among stakeholder groups.
Skillful Practice
As a design practice, value sensitive design requires a commitment to the theoretical constructs coupled with skillful use and adaptation of method in response to the complexities of the design situation. To support this practice, we have developed several toolkits and other creative works. Some toolkits, similar to a pencil, are broadly applicable. The Envisioning Cards are one such toolkit and have been used, for example, in the United States to explore how mobile phones could help keep homeless young people safe and in East Africa to aid with designing national health care systems. Other toolkits, similar to specialized tools, are honed to do a particular task very well. The Security Cards bring together insights from value sensitive design with heuristics from security threat analysis to foster a more humanistic security mindset. They have been used with product designers in industry, engineering undergrads, and middle school students.

TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY. While the boundary between tools and technology is not a sharp one, as a heuristic, one might think of tools in their simpler sense as human-scale physical artifacts that augment human activity and technology as extending our ideas about tools to include the application of scientific knowledge to solve practical problems, including the specific methods, materials, and devices employed. Infrastructure—the basic physical and organizational structures and facilities needed for the operation of a society or enterprise—also needs consideration. Taken together, tools, technology, and infrastructure comprise what some might term a technological system. When speaking of one—tool, technology, or infrastructure—it is nearly impossible not to speak of the others. In value sensitive design, the term technology is used as a shorthand to refer to all three and their interdependencies. At its core, value sensitive design is not tied to any specific technology. Accordingly, designers, researchers, and engineers working with diverse technologies can employ value sensitive design theory and methods.

HUMAN VALUES. The current working definition of “value” within value sensitive design is: what is important to people in their lives, with a focus on ethics and morality. Moreover, within lived life, human values do not exist in isolation, with, for example, privacy over here and security or community over there. Rather, in the complexity of human relations, values sit in a delicate balance with each other. This framing positions designers and researchers to emphasize moral and ethical values, but to do so within the complexity of social life, and with recognition for how culture and context implicate people’s understanding and experience of benefits as well as harms and injustice.

INTERACTIONAL STANCE. Value sensitive design takes an interactional stance on technology and human values. Unlike approaches based primarily on technological determinism or on social determinism, interactional theories such as value sensitive design posit that human beings acting as individuals, organizations, or societies shape the tools and technologies they design and implement; in turn, those tools and technologies shape human experience and society.

THE TRIPARTITE METHODOLOGY: CONCEPTUAL, EMPIRICAL, AND TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS. To address the value implications of socio-technical design robustly, value sensitive design employs an iterative methodology that integrates conceptual, empirical, and technical investigations. Conceptual investigations comprise analytic, theoretical, or philosophically informed explorations of the central issues and constructs under investigation. Empirical investigations examine the human context in which the technology is situated and, as appropriate, may draw upon the entire range of quantitative and qualitative methods used in social science research. Technical investigations focus on the technology as the unit of analysis, typically involving retrospective analysis of existing technology or proactive design of new technology.

STAKEHOLDERS: WHOSE VALUES? Value sensitive design asks designers to seek out a robust set of stakeholder groups and to legitimate those who likely are most strongly affected—that is, to provide an analytic or empirical rationale for their inclusion in a design process. Equally important can be the rationale provided for why certain groups or individuals are not engaged. Value sensitive design also asks designers to be transparent about explicitly supported project values and their own individual values (i.e., designer values). In any stakeholder analysis, a central distinction concerns stakeholders who directly interact with a system, the direct stakeholders, and those who, although they never or rarely interact with the system as end-users, are nevertheless affected by the system, the indirect stakeholders.

VALUE TENSIONS. Human values do not exist in isolation. Rather, much like the threads in a spider web, values are situated in a delicate balance. Touching one value implicates others. Moreover, people’s values can align or come into tension at various levels of human experience—within an individual; among individuals; between an individual and a group; among groups, institutions, nations, and societies; and any number of other combinations. Adding yet another layer of complexity, the balance among the values of a person, group, or society may change over time, and value tensions may shift accordingly. While how to achieve balance among competing values is not obvious, value sensitive design frames a design process that engages constructively with the tensions.

CO-EVOLVING TECHNOLOGY AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE. The interactional stance of value sensitive design implies that the design space for technological innovation encompasses not only the technical design space but also the corresponding socio-structural one. Moreover, engaging both technical and socio-structural design spaces with the tools and methods of value sensitive design provides a more comprehensive design space—one with the possibility for solutions that might not be conceived of (or even possible) if approached from a technical or socio-structural perspective alone.

MULTI-LIFESPAN DESIGN. Multi-lifespan design begins from the observation that certain categories of problems, such as healing from widespread or cyclical violence (e.g., genocide) or some environmental issues (e.g., regeneration of old growth forests) are unlikely to be solved within a single human lifespan. Correspondingly, technology developed and deployed in the service of such solutions as they unfold will need to be robust and adaptive over time. Situated within value sensitive design, multi-lifespan design provides specific design knowledge and methods honed to a longer-term timeframe. Such work opens up new opportunities for preserving knowledge, supporting social structures and processes, remembering and forgetting, and re-envisioning infrastructure to support inclusivity and access.

PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION. The motto “progress, not perfection” is relevant to all aspects of value sensitive design practice. This motto encapsulates an overarching perspective and strategy for navigating the at times daunting challenges of addressing values in technical work, reminding designers that achieving progress is a worthy goal even though perfection remains ever elusive. Value sensitive design moves designers toward the conceptualizations needed to identify shortcomings in current design processes and to seek remedies that promote human wellbeing. It moves designers toward the language needed to discuss the often immense social consequences of technical innovation with the public at large. And, it moves designers toward considering human values as a design criterion—along with traditional criteria of reliability, efficiency, and correctness—by which systems may be judged poor and designers negligent. As with the traditional criteria for evaluating technical systems, we need not require perfection, but commitment to practice. And through practice, progress.
- 10. Value-oriented Mock-up, Prototype, or Field Deployment
11. Ethnographically Informed Inquiry on Values and Technology
12. Model for Informed Consent Online
13. Value Dams and Flows
14. Value Sensitive Action Reflection Model
15. Multi-lifespan Timeline
16. Multilifespan Co-design
17. Envisioning cards
1. Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder identification and legitimation.
Identification of individuals, groups, organizations, institutions, and societies that might reasonably be affected by the technology under investigation and in what ways. Two overarching stakeholder categories: (1) those who interact directly with the technology (direct stakeholders); and (2) those indirectly affected by the technology (indirect stakeholders).
See: Friedman, Kahn, Hagman, Severson, & Gill (2006); Nathan, Friedman, Klasjna, Kane, & Miller (2008); Czeskis, Dermendjieva, Yapit, Borning, Friedman, Gill, & Kohno (2010); and Watkins (2011)
2. Stakeholder Tokens
Stakeholder identification and interaction.
Playful and versatile toolkit for identifying stakeholders and their interactions. Stakeholder Tokens facilitate identifying stakeholders, distinguishing core from peripheral stakeholders, surfacing excluded stakeholders, and articulating relationships among stakeholders.
See: Yoo (in press).
3. Value Source Analysis
4. Co-evolve Technology and Social Structure
Expand design space.
Expanding the design space to include social structures integrated with technology may yield new solutions not possible when considering the technology alone. As appropriate, engage with the design of both technology and social structure as part of the solution space. Social structures may include policy, law, regulations, organizational practices, social norms, and others.
See: Friedman, Smith, Kahn, Consolvo, & Selawski (2006); and Miller, Friedman, Jancke, & Gill (2007).
5. Value Scenario
Values representation and elicitation.
Narratives, comprising stories of use, intended to surface human and technical aspects of technology and context. Value scenarios emphasize implications for direct and indirect stakeholders, related key values, widespread use, indirect impacts, longer-term use, and similar systemic effects.
See: Nathan, Klasjna, & Friedman (2007); Nathan, Friedman, Klasjna, Kane & Miller (2008); Czeskis, Dermendjieva, Yapit, Borning, Friedman, Gill, & Kohno (2010); Woelfer, Iverson, Hendry, Friedman, & Gill (2011); and Yoo, Huldtgren, Woelfer, Hendry & Friedman (2013a).
6. Value Sketch
7. Value-oriented Semi-structured Interview
Values elicitation.
Semi-structured interview questions as a way to tap into stakeholders’ understandings, views and values about a technology. Questions typically emphasize stakeholders’ evaluative judgments (e.g., all right or not all right) about a technology as well as rationale (e.g., why?). Additional considerations introduced by the stakeholder are pursued.
See: Friedman (1997); Friedman, Davis, & Lin (2005); Kahn, Friedman, Prez -Granados, & Freier (2006); Freier (2008); and Czeskis, Dermendjieva, Yapit, Borning, Friedman, Gill, & Kohno (2010).
8. Scalable Assessments of Information Dimensions
Values elicitation.
Sets of questions constructed to tease apart the impact of pervasiveness, proximity, granularity of information, and other scalable dimensions. Can be used in interview or survey formats.
See: Friedman (1997); Friedman, Kahn, Hagman, Severson, & Gill (2006); and Munson, Avrahami, Consolvo, Fogarty, Friedman, and Smith (2011).
9. Value-oriented Coding Manual
Values analysis.
Hierarchically structured categories for coding qualitative responses to the value representation and elicitation methods. Coding categories are generated from the data and a conceptualization of the domain. Each category contains a label, definition, and up to three sample responses from empirical data. Can be applied to oral, written, and visual responses.
See: Kahn, Friedman, Freier, & Severson (2003); and Friedman, Kahn, Hagman, & Severson (2005).
10. Value-oriented Mock-up, Prototype or Field Deployment
Values representation and elicitation.
Development, analysis, and co-design of mockups, prototypes and field deployments to scaffold the investigation of value implications of yet-to-be-built-or-widely-adopted technologies. Mockups, prototypes or field deployments emphasize implications for direct and indirect stakeholders, value tensions, and technology situated in human contexts.
See: Freier (2008); Woelfer & Hendry (2009); Denning, Borning, Friedman, Gill, ohno, & Maisel (2010); Czeskis, Dermendjieva, Yapit, Borning, Friedman, Gill, & Kohno (2010); and Yoo, et al. (2013a).
11. Ethnographically Informed Inquiry on Values and Technology
Values, technology, and social structure framework and analysis.
Framework and approach for dat collection and analysis to uncover the complex relationships among values, technology, nd social structure as those relationships unfold. Typically involves in-depth engagement in the situated contexts over longer periods of time.
See: Nathan (2012).
12. Model for Informed Consent Online
Design principles and values analysis.
Model with corresponding design principles for considering informed consent in online contexts. The construct of informed encompasses disclosure and comprehension; that of consent encompasses voluntariness, competence, and agreement. Furthermore, implementations of informed consent must not pose an undue burden to stakeholders.
See: Friedman, Millett, & Felten (2000); Millett, Friedman, & Felten (2001); Friedman, Howe, & Felten, (2002); Friedman, Lin, & Miller (2005); and Friedman, Smith, Kahn, Consolvo, & Selawski (2006).
13. Value Dams and Flows
Values analysis.
Analytic method to reduce the solution space and resolve value tensions among design choices. First, design options that even a small percentage of stakeholders strongly object to are removed from the design space—the value dams. Then of the remaining design options, those that a good percentage of stakeholders find appealing are foregrounded in the design—the value flows. Can be applied to the design of both technology and social structures.
See: Miller, Friedman, Jancke, & Gill (2007); Czeskis, et al. (2010); and Denning, Borning, Friedman, Gill, Kohno, & Maisel (2010).
14. Value Sensitive Action-Reflection Model
15. Multi-lifespan Timeline
Priming longer-term and multi-generational design thinking.
Priming activity for long(er)-term design thinking. Multi-lifespan timelines prompt individuals to situate themselves in a long(er) timeframe relative to the present, with attention to both societal and technological change.
See: Yoo et al. (2016).
16. Multi-lifespan Co-design
17. Envisioning Cards
Versatile value sensitive design toolkit for industry and educational practice.</font color>
Versatile value sensitive envisioning toolkit. Comprised of a set of 32 cards, the Envisioning CardsTM build on four criteria—stakeholders, time, values, and pervasiveness. Each card contains on one side a title and an evocative image related to the card theme; on the flip side, the envisioning criterion, card theme, and a focused design activity. Envisioning CardsTM can be used for ideation, co-design, heuristic critique, evaluation, and other purposes.
See: Friedman, Nathan, Kane, & Lin (2011); Kaptein, Eckles, & Davis (2011); Friedman & Hendry (2012); and Yoo, et al. (2013a).
The toolkit is available for download: The Envisioning Cards toolkit.
The material on the theoretical constructs is quoted from Friedman, Hendry, and Borning (2017). The sketches, drawn by Daisy Yoo, convey the essence of the constructs in visual form (see Friedman and Hendry, 2019). The material on methods is quoted from Friedman and Hendry (2019).